
Groups Applaud FY24 Appropriations Bill that Honors Commitment to Veterans, Protects Life

On the Hill



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The following blog was published by the U.S. Department of HCA on July 26. It is reproduced in full below.

Praise for Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations bills continues as the House prepares to vote on.

House Republicans’ commitment to our nation’s veterans will never waver, and the FY24 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs bill delivers on that promise by fully funding veterans’ health care, benefits, and other critical VA programs. The bill also includes key language to prevent the Administration from continuing its unlawful VA abortion rule.

In addition, the bill makes key investments in military infrastructure to counter China in the Indo-Pacific region and to increase the quality of life for our servicemembers and their families.

“Our veterans, including veterans who are members and supporters of the various undersigned organizations, deserve honor and respect. Under the radical policies of the current presidential administration, veterans have unfortunately experienced the opposite. The Fiscal Year 2024 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Bill reverses the damaging social engineering policies imposed on the Americans who have honorably served our country…

“Current VA policies are entrenched in destructive policies that the majority of Americans do not support. This detour undermines the quality of veterans’ care, but MilConVA reverses course."

Read the full letter.

* Penny Y. Nance, CEO and President, Concerned Women for America

* Kris Ullman, President, Eagle Forum

* Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness

* Brian Burch, President, CatholicVote

* Terry Schilling, President, American Principles Project

* Paul Teller, Executive Director, Advancing American Freedom

* Jonathan M. Alexandre, Esq., Senior Counsel for Governmental Affairs, Liberty Counsel

* Joseph Kohm, Director, Public Policy, Family Policy Alliance

* Quena González, Senior Director of Government Affairs, Family Research Council

* Timothy R. Head, Executive Director, Faith & Freedom Coalition

* Jamison Coppola, Government Relations Director, American Association of Christian Schools

“On behalf of the many millions of members in all 50 states that our collective organizations represent, we would like to express our gratitude for the ways this committee is working to protect the unborn and women and girls. As is commonly said, government funding shows government priorities. We asked Appropriators to prioritize life, and we are grateful for how you have done so already. We urge you to continue to promote and protect policies that defend unborn children and their mothers from the brutality of abortion. Sixty percent of Americans agree: abortion should not be subsidized by the American taxpayer.

“In Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, Appropriators stood against the Biden administration’s illegal interim final rule that violates longstanding law. Despite the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992 clearly prohibiting taxpayer funding for abortions through the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Biden administration has begun funding elective abortions, turning veterans hospitals into abortion clinics. The MilCon/VA bill was amended in markup to prohibit funding to implement this policy…"

Read the full letter.

* Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

* Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee

* National Right to Life Committee

* Family Research Council

* March for Life Education and Defense Fund

* Students for Life Action

* Americans United for Life

* Family Policy Alliance

* CatholicVote

* American Principles Project

* Ethics and Public Policy Center

* Eagle Forum

* Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention

* Advancing American Freedom

* Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)

* America First Policy Institute

* ACLJ Action

“The Faith and Freedom Coalition celebrates and is encouraged by the ongoing work of House Republicans on the Appropriations Committee to keep abortion out of federal spending bills… The Subcommittee Markup of Fiscal Year 2024 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies bill was amended to stop the Biden Administration’s rule promoting abortion and retained language preventing federal tax dollars from funding abortion..." - Timothy Head, Executive Director, The Faith & Freedom Coalition

“House Republicans are engaging the culture war via the appropriations process by seeking to defund key left-wing priorities like abortion, so-called ‘gender-affirming care’, ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ boards, and more… Major credit to Rep. Kay Granger, Rep. John Carter, and the other Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee for getting this done…Huge victory for conservatives.

“The House Appropriations Committee passed an amendment 34-27 to the FY2024 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies bill that banned federal funding for abortion and ‘gender-affirming care,’ prohibited DEI and critical race theory programs, and prevented certain flags from being flown over VA facilities or cemeteries." - American Principles Project

Bill summary is available.

Bill text is available.

Bill report is available.

Source: U.S. Department of HCA



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