Petty Officer 1st Class Richard Moroge, a machinery technician, was advanced by Master Chief Petty Officer Phillip Waldron, command master chief, 17th Coast Guard District.“We are excited and humbled that Petty Officer Moroge was bestowed with such a prestigious honor that recognized his leadership, performance, and dedication,” said Lt. Will Singletary, Naushon’s commanding officer. “We are proud to have him as a member of our crew and look forward to his continued success.”
While stationed aboard Naushon, Moroge has exceled as a lead technician, an onboard training team member, law enforcement instructor and living marine resources boarding officer. He was at the forefront of several major casualty repairs, and his expertise saved the Coast Guard $24,093 in on-site technician costs and ultimately restored the cutter’s operational capability.
In addition to his technical acumen, Moroge stands out as an exceptional leader. He has led the crew through law enforcement boardings and shipboard drills that have improved their knowledge and capability, while successfully passing several major inspections. Moreover, he volunteers his free time as an assistant ice hockey coach.
The Meritorious Advancement Program allows senior leaders the opportunity to advance active-duty and reserve members who show exceptional adherence to the core values, demonstrate sustained exceptional proficiency and conduct, and possess the potential to advance into a position of greater responsibility.
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