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May: Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency publishes 16 press releases




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There were 16 press releases published by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency in May.

The most recent press release, "CISA Releases the FY 2023 Rural Emergency Medical Communications Demonstration Project (REMCDP) Notice of Funding Opportunity," was submitted on May 30.

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency published 27 press releases the month before, marking a 40.7 percent decrease for the current month.

A 2018 federal law established the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to help protect critical infrastructure from cyber and other threats — but it isn't fully up and running yet.

“The CISA Act passing Congress represents real progress in the national effort to improve our collective efforts in cybersecurity,” said NPPD Under Secretary Christopher Krebs.

Press releases by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency in May
TitlePublication Date
CISA Releases the FY 2023 Rural Emergency Medical Communications Demonstration Project (REMCDP) Notice of Funding Opportunity05/30/2023
CISA Launches the SAFECOM Nationwide Survey05/30/2023
U.S. and International Partners Release Advisory Warning of PRC State-Sponsored Cyber Activity05/24/2023
CISA, FBI, NSA, MS-ISAC Publish Updated #StopRansomware Guide05/23/2023
SAFECOM Nationwide Survey Data Provides Real-World Insights to Improve Emergency Communications Preparedness05/22/2023
CISA and ONCD Award Champions of the Fourth Annual Presidents Cup Cybersecurity Competition05/18/2023
CISA and Secret Service Release Toolkit for K-12 Schools to Strengthen School Safety Reporting Programs05/16/2023
CISA Releases White Paper Highlighting R&D Needs and Strategic Actions for Enhancing the Resilience of Critical Infrastructure05/10/2023
Make a difference in Public Service Join CISA!05/10/2023
The Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications (FPIC) Releases The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of Encryption in P25 Public Safety Land Mobile Radio Systems Guide05/09/2023
CISA Welcomes Inaugural Cyber Innovation Fellows05/08/2023
The Attack on Colonial Pipeline: What Weve Learned & What Weve Done Over the Past Two Years05/07/2023
Public-Private Partners Huddle to Tackle Security at the 88th Annual NFL Draft05/04/2023
SAFECOM Membership Spotlight: Mr. Keith Victor, SAFECOM At-Large (Connecticut Capitol Region Council of Government)05/04/2023
Accelerating Our Economy Through Better Security: Helping Americas Small Businesses Address Cyber Threats05/02/2023
NCSWIC PTE Committee Releases Leveraging the PACE Plan into the Emergency Communications Ecosystem05/01/2023



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