Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
SAFECOM is constantly adapting to the evolutions of the emergency communications ecosystem. As such, SAFECOM updated the Introduction to SAFECOM presentation, which provides stakeholders with information on SAFECOM’s history, goals, and structure. The presentation can be used by SAFECOM members as a promotional tool to market the SAFECOM brand to the broader public safety community or other interested groups. The updated presentation includes logos for SAFECOM member organizations. The presentation also includes an updated list of recent resources and publications developed by each of SAFECOM’s committees. SAFECOM members and the public safety community at-large are encouraged to leverage this presentation to assist in the promotion of SAFECOM’s value to the public safety community. The updated Introduction to SAFECOM presentation can be found on at .
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