The grant could provide up to $900,000.
The Community Assistance Program - State Support Services Element (CAP-SSSE) program provides funding to states to provide technical assistance to communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and to evaluate community performance in implementing NFIP floodplain management activities. Designation, duties and responsibilities of State Coordinating Agencies are found in 44 CFR 60.25. These regulations identify the states commitment to the minimum floodplain management criteria and to demonstrate the capability and responsibility to implement the program. In this way, CAP-SSSE helps to; ensure that the flood loss reduction goals of the NFIP are met, build state and community floodplain management expertise and capability, and leverage state knowledge and expertise in working with their communities.Note: For programs in FEMA GO, the following will be added at the end of the Funding Opportunity Description: "Applicants can submit applications for this funding opportunity through FEMA Grants Outcomes (GO). Access the system at"